I am a retired gastroenterologist, physiologist and nutritionist, but I currently maintain a private practice in psychotherapy ov physician. During my academic career, I held chairs in Gastrointestinal Physiology, Human Nutrition and Integrated Medicine at Sheffield University, published over 500 original papers and edited 10 books. I am a keen writer and since retirement, I have written ’Sick and Tired: healing the illnesses doctors cannot cure (Phoenix 2006) and Cooking for the Sensitive Gut (with Dr Joan Ransley, Pavilion, 2016). I also write posts for the following blogs: www.thesensitivegut.com, www.mindbodydoc.wordpress.com and www.notdrowningbutwaving.wordpress.com. Until recently, I was the medical adviser and chair of trustees to The IBS Network, the UK’s national charity for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A dedicated advocate of self care, I try to delay the ageing process by fell running, wild swimming and infinite curiosity.