Diogenes in the Age of Reflection
‘You’re rather like Diogenes in his barrel’, David declared on his fourth visit to my little cottage in Edensor. Was that a compliment? Well, on the principle of the glass being half full, I decided that it was. I quite liked the idea of being perceived by the medical fraternity as a hermit, living the thoughtful life, so unworldly that I would ask the Dowager (the nearest we have here to Alexander the Great,) to get out of the sun. Though I did wonder if I have rather corrupted the... Read more »

Despatches from Derbyshire Ice Field (3)
0645 GMT 07/12/10 Successful expedition. Grytviken basking in balmy zero. Back on shelf at minus 14, well stocked with lamp oil, whalemeat, blubber, pickled cabbage and two bottles of aquavit!! Freezing fog. When we speak outside, the words stay in the air and hang around the tent. Voice message from Oates... Read more »

Yoga in the Park
We had completed the first set of asanas and were just relaxing into the pranayamas ‘Now alternative nostril breathing.’ Pinch your nose between the thumb and ring finger of your right hand, breathe in through the right nostril, close the right nostril, breathe out through the left, breath in through the... Read more »
En vacances avec Monsieur Hulot
He’s one of those awkward people, too tall and not quite coordinated. He doesn’t so much walk as bounce along on the balls of his feet, his body held forward as if nearly falling over. it’s like he is not of this world. He seems out of place, confused as if... Read more »
Discovery! With a frozen grape.
Frozen grapes are delicious served with chocolate truffles and cream. If you let them warm up a bit, you can bite through them and feel the cold juice squirt around your mouth. But Roz found this difficult. ‘I can’t eat these. I have sensitive teeth.’ ‘Well just try swallowing them and... Read more »
Summoned for Christmas
Getting a summons for driving without due care and attention just added insult to injury, I had been knocked unconscious, fractured ribs, vertebrae, punctured my lung and my left kidney. But my letter advised me that it would go better for me if I admitted culpability. I felt hurt and... Read more »
A Night-time Visit
It was half past nine in the evening and quite dark. The phone rang. It was dad. He was very agitated. ‘There are people in my house - lots of them; men and women. They’re sitting on my settee. I have told them to go but they won’t.’ ‘Who are they... Read more »