the ‘umble spleen.
It lurks tucked up behind the stomach, a soft black leather purse moulded to the contours of adjacent organs like a dark shadow, the sort of organ you’d ignore, a remnant, a vestige, a redundancy. No wonder surgeons removed the spleen with impunity if they were operating on the stomach. But this ain’t no vestige. Remove it at your patients peril. People without a spleen have six times the risk of getting pneumonia and other infections and a fifty percent increase in heart attacks. Be it ever so ‘umble, the... Read more »

Discovery! With a frozen grape.
Frozen grapes are delicious served with chocolate truffles and cream. If you let them warm up a bit, you can bite through them and feel the cold juice squirt around your mouth. But Roz found this difficult. ‘I can’t eat these. I have sensitive teeth.’ ‘Well just try swallowing them and... Read more »