Because – you’re worth it!
She didn’t believe in anything very much. Communism, fascism, altruism, capitalism, collectivism; they were all the same to her; forms of subjugation and oppression. No, what Ayn Rand believed in was objectivism, "the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute." Rand argued for rational egoism (rational self-interest), as the only proper guiding moral principle. The individual "must exist for his own sake," she wrote in 1962, "neither sacrificing... Read more »

Bush and Blair; a hubristic ‘folie a deux’.
They were made for each other, weren’t they? Not so much a marriage made in heaven as an accident waiting to happen. There was George W. Bush, the rich privileged son of a previous senator and president, the playboy, the drunkard, the ne’er-do-well, who went into politics by default. He was... Read more »

Tempus fugit.
Time flies, the old man cried, as the alarm clock struck him on the back of the head. For the elderly, time does indeed fly; not just the clock but the days, the weeks, the years. Time seems to shorten, to press in on itself, as we get older. But for... Read more »
A Bridge too Far
Psychotherapy is a strange world. It claims to help people resolve conflict and change, yet the whole profession is deeply split. The psychoanalysts, humanists and behaviourists are all convinced their approach is only true one, but when it all boils down, there is more to connect different therapies than to... Read more »