Time and Tide
Time is the measure of things moving. It’s like history; one bloody thing after another, but if nothing happens there is no time, ho history, nothing. We know by determining the rate of decay of radioactivity in rocks that the earth came into being 4,558 million years ago. This sounds a bit like Archbishop Usher, who calculated that the world was created 4,404 years ago. Time cannot be thought about with considering space as well. Time is the fourth dimension. We only need to go out and look at the night... Read more »

Tempus fugit.
Time flies, the old man cried, as the alarm clock struck him on the back of the head. For the elderly, time does indeed fly; not just the clock but the days, the weeks, the years. Time seems to shorten, to press in on itself, as we get older. But for... Read more »

Peer review or publicity; how to solve a problem like Ida.
Ida was no more than two feet in length, she had a cat-like face, a long tail and judging from the shape of her ankle, walked upright. Cladistic analysis might have suggested she was probably related to lemurs, but she was heralded as a missing link between other mammals to... Read more »